The Blog
Pay it Forward Cycles Back for a Second Year
Aug. 12, 2024

Pay It Forward is back! During the week of August 19th-23rd, Farmers & Merchants Bank will feature one business each day and match and pay forward a percentage of the proceeds made from that day to an organization in our community.
In its second year, Pay it Forward promotes the support of both small businesses and community organizations. Last year, FMB reinvested over $1,000 into their community throughout the Pay it Foward week.
This year FMB will be donating the money to organizations that focus on enriching the lives of children. Join FMB in supporting local businesses and cycling money back into the community!
Pay it Foward Line-Up
Monday, August 19th: Country Inn (proceeds to benefit the Care Closet at the Berlin Area School District)
Tuesday, August 20th: Violet & Co. (proceeds to benefit All Saints Catholic School)
Wednesday, August 21st: Dandelion Farm (proceeds to benefit Berlin Community Daycare)
Thursday, August 22nd: Mastricola’s on Broadway (proceeds to benefit the Berlin Aquatic Center)
Friday, August 23rd: Farmstead Saloon (proceeds to benefit St. John’s Lutheran School)